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The thermal insulation properties of laminated foam boards play an important role in the construction field

Laminated foam board is a building material with excellent thermal insulation performance, which is widely used in the construction field.
It can effectively isolate the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor, thus keeping the indoor temperature comfortable.
Laminated foam board has high thermal insulation performance.Its thermal insulation performance mainly depends on its internal closed-cell structure. This closed-cell structure can prevent the flow of air and heat energy, thereby reducing heat conduction and convection. Therefore, laminated foam board can effectively reduce the heat transfer between indoor and outdoor, and keep the indoor temperature stable.
The thermal insulation performance of laminated foam board is also affected by its thermal conductivity.Thermal conductivity is an indicator of the thermal conductivity of a material. The smaller the value, the better the thermal insulation performance of the material. Laminated foam board has a low thermal conductivity, which can effectively reduce heat transfer and improve indoor thermal insulation effect.
Laminated foam board can also reduce the influence of thermal radiation by reflection and absorption.Its surface is usually treated with materials such as aluminum foil, which has a high reflectivity and can reflect solar radiation back, reducing indoor heat absorption. At the same time, the internal pore structure of the laminated foam board can absorb part of the thermal radiation, reducing the heat effect on the room.
The thermal insulation performance of laminated foam board can also help save energy and reduce energy consumption.In winter, it can effectively prevent indoor warm air from escaping, thereby reducing the frequency of heating equipment use and energy consumption. In summer, it can block the entry of hot outdoor air, reduce the use of air conditioning equipment, thereby saving energy and reducing carbon emissions.
With its excellent thermal insulation performance, laminated foam board plays an important role in the construction field.It can isolate the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor, and keep the indoor temperature comfortable. At the same time, its application can also help save energy and reduce energy consumption. With people's increasing attention to environmental protection and energy saving, laminated foam board will be more widely used in the future.